The Wishing Crane
So I suppose you all have heard about the earthquake and tsunami over in Japan. My heart and prayers go out to everyone involved in that tragedy. I'm not just talking about the people who lost their homes and those that died, but for also for their loved ones. God bless you if you are able to help in any way (even if you just donated a dollar, that can mean the world!)
I can not afford much and feel helpless in situations like these. My talent is my art however, so I decided to make a Wishing Crane for the Japanese. I first wanted to make a thousand (like the legend goes) and send it over to Japan, but I didn't know who to send it to! I thought maybe I could send it to the victims, but I didn't think that was good either (sorry you lost your house, here's a paper crane) ><; Then I thought I could make paper cranes and sell them, giving the money for the cause… but then there would be a lot of shipping expenses and not really worth it in the end (I’m sure the shipping would outweigh the donation price and time made into the cranes!). So then I came up with The Wishing Crane.

It starts at $0.99 and is on ebay. I hoped that much of the sale (as possible) would go towards Japan, but unfortunately, ebay's policy with MissionFish says that a small portion of the money goes to MissionFish for handling the donation. I will pay the shipping costs, and will ship out to anywhere in the world. All I am hoping for is that people will either bid on it, or at least pass this information onto other people. I figure, if you're going to donate something, why not get a little something out of it? :3 My wish is for this crane to raise some money to help the people of Japan.
Please pass along and God bless.