First Friday Showing at LACG
Hello everyone!
Been busy doing various things, but I first want to announce that I have a showing tomorrow at the Leominster Art Center and Gallery (LACG)! The show is from 6-8pm and of course I’ll be there so feel free to come by, meet me and ask me anything you want! I know it’s a little late to announce this but I’ve been very busy preparing for the show.

I’m also announcing that I’ll be open to commissions (for the first time) tomorrow night… I’ll have papers laid out for anyone to take that will give people an idea how much something will cost depending on what is wanted. In the upcoming days, I will add these details to my shop section here on my site.
I’m also trying to get some loose ends tied… Like I now have a facebook page for my art (will not feature my art, but I will post updates and such on it…) and I’m making a tumblr page for my art so those who like to tumble may re-post my work.
But anyways, if you can’t make it tomorrow night, you can always go anytime in February when the center is open to view my work or to just walk by (my work is on display in the window).
Hope to see you there tomorrow and if not, please stop in sometime! There are also other beautiful works there from other local artists and a variety of things as well!